Fundació Bosch i Gimpera

Payment for professional services

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At the FBG, we help you manage the payment of outsourced work, to freelance professionals carrying out a specific task and collaborators who give courses or lectures.

1. Generate an order for the service beforehand.

Fill in the form and submit the order.

2. Billing by the service supplier.

Baldiri Reixac, 4-8
08028 Barcelona

3. Approval of the order.

The FBG validates and approves the order according to your project budget.

4. The FBG will receive the invoice directly from the supplier and make the payment of the invoice.

On the Orders page, you will be able to see when an order is paid.

1. Fill in the payment order to authorise payment.

2. Attach the documentation related to the course/lecture.

3. Send everything to the FBG.

4. The FBG will be directly billed by the collaborator and pay for their services.

Do you have any questions about outsourcing?

Contact us, and we will answer your questions.